Thursday, August 20, 2009

Find me the Rule, the TRCP no. soandso, the applicable Tex. R. Civ. P. - Which is it?

Which rule of procedure spells out the requirements for a valid Rule 11 Agreement?

Well, that's an easy one. So easy in fact it won't even qualify for the legal assistant competency exam; but most rules are not as conveniently named and remembered by their arbitrarily assigned cipher.

So how to find them if we don't remember? Not to mention finding them instantly?


The rules governing civil lawsuit pleadings, motions, and court proceedings are available on the Texas Supreme Court's website as a single searchable (1.8MB) pdf file, which can be downloaded and kept open in the background for ready reference while busy drafting pleadings or briefs.

But how about being able to just google a rule or a topic, term, or issue, or deadline, or whatever associated with a rule? Better still, how about actually being able to find the rule without necessarily using its number or the exact language that will hit the right word in the full-test version, not to mention knowing the rule's assigned number.

Well, that's that this blog is designed to do.

Make the rules more accessible by using synonyms and related search terms, not to mention caselaw snippets applying the rule taken from recent appellate opinions. Let's give it a try and see if search engines, indexing, tags and links can quickly get us to the rule we need, and make life on the legal front easier.

SEARCH ENGINE FODDER: HOW TO find Texas rules of civil procedure Find me the rule, which rules says, which rule governs, which rule applies, which rule controls? Where is the rule that says specifies, makes it mandatory that, requires, prohibits ....

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